
Damage estimated at $7,500. Vandalized gravestone
Photo: AP

Jewish gravestones defaced in Hungary

Police say three teenagers admitted vandalizing 75 tombstones in western town of Marcali in spontaneous show of strength to each other

Police in Hungary say three teenagers have admitted vandalizing 75 gravestones in a Jewish cemetery.


Police spokesman Gabor Biro has told state news wire MTI the 14- and 15-year-old youths knocked down the marble and sandstone memorials on January 23 in a spontaneous show of strength to each other.


Biro said Saturday the damage at the Jewish cemetery in the western town of Marcali is estimated at 1.5 million forints ($7,500).


Prime Minister Viktor Orban has condemned the attacks, which he says offend the respect for the dead and weaken the Hungarian Jewish community's feeling of security.


Around 550,000 Hungarian Jews were killed in the Holocaust and an estimated 100,000 live now in the country.




פרסום ראשון: 01.30.11, 15:03
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