Amir Peretz at Tuesday's rally
Photo: Ofer Amram
Despite an order for the reduction of gasoline prices signed this week by Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, some 300 protesters gathered Tuesday at Tel Aviv Museum to demonstrate against the exorbitant sums.
Protesters held up signs and wore shirts proclaiming slogans against the rising prices. "We will fight back like in Egypt," they called out, referring to popular protests that overturned the Egyptian government.
'Bibi go home! (The gas is on us)' (Photo: Ofer Amram)
MKs Ronit Tirosh, Yoel Hasson (Kadima), and Amir Peretz (Labor) were present at the rally. Musical artists also performed on a makeshift stage erected on the scene.
The protest also included a "funeral" for the middle class. "We would like to announce the death of the middle class," one of the rally organizers called out.
"The middle class is being resurrected, and it is right here. It has come to cry out: Enough is enough. Sound your voice, middle class."
Ze'ev Grower, the man who began the civil protests against the prices, said, "My work is a 15 minute drive away, but on public transportation, in which I have to change buses twice, it takes more than an hour. Mr. Prime Minister, would you be willing to get to work that way? The people will not allow themselves to be exploited."
MK Hasson promised that it would be possible to lower gas prices through civil and legislative moves. He said he hoped more protesters showed up next time.
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