Dame Judi Dench, Joanna Lumley, and Isla Fischer are just a few celebrities who have decorated bras to help raise money for a new Jewish center in London.
The bras are being sold in an online auction until the end of February. More than 40 women are participating, each designing a bra expressing their personal style.
The Big Bra Auction, as it’s been called, will share its earnings between breast cancer charity Cancerkin and a new Jewish center planned for 2013 on Finchley Road in northwest London.
All celebrities began with a simple white bra and have each created unique and beautiful pieces.
Dame Judi Dench hand painted her bra gold, with a dusty pink rose in the centre with a small heart. Novelist Naomi Alderman has written a story about her relationship with her breasts on her bra, while actress Maurine Lipman has decorated her bra with a pair of blue tits (the bird).
Jewish Community Center "Ventures” plans to use the money to build a 60-seat cinema, dance studio, learning centre and day-care nursery.
The Jewish Community Centre (JCC) for London, Ventures’ sister organization, explains on it’s website that most JCC’s have their own building where an extensive program of events is held.
The bras are currently on display at London’s Comedy Store and can be viewed online at http://jccbigbraauction.org.uk/ .
Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life
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