
Ahmadinejad in Iranian soccer team uniform
Photo: Reuters

Nigeria to pay Iran for canceled soccer match

Month before friendly match in Tehran, Nigerian authorities seize Iranian weapons containers destined for local opposition groups, later cancel game. Iran demands compensation, receives FIFA's support

Nigeria will likely pay compensation fees to Iran following the cancellation of a soccer match meant to be held between the two countries' national teams last November.  


Two weeks prior to the game, the Nigerians decided to cancel the match claiming that some of their top players had been injured. Sources in Israel, however estimate that the real reason was Iran's involvement in a weapons shipment for various Nigerian criminals and opposition elements which was seized one month prior to the game.


The friendly match was scheduled to take place in Tehran on November 17, 2010. A month earlier Iranian weapons containers were seized in Nigeria. It is suspected that their contents were meant for local tribes, criminals and opposition groups acting against the Nigerian regime.


Following the cancellation, Iran demanded $300,000 in compensation to pay for the damage they suffered after pre-booking various services ahead of the game such as plane tickets and hotel rooms.


The Iranian soccer association turned to the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) to decide oh the matter. FIFA supported the Iranian claim. On Tuesday, Nigeria offered Iran $200,000 in compensation but has yet to receive an answer.



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