
Photo: AP
Photo: AP

Moroccan Jews to get Holocaust compensation

North African Jews who survived German persecution to be recognized, receive NIS 13,000

For the first time since the end of the Second World War nearly 70 years ago, thousands of Moroccan Jews will be recognized as Holocaust survivors and receive compensation from the German government.


According to the agreement drafted over the last few days between the Claims Conference and the German government they will each receive NIS 13,000 ($3,800) in compensation.


Romanian and Bulgarian Jews who were held during the war will be included to receive the same compensation received by concentration camp survivors.


The Claims Conference estimated that 7,000 new compensation requests will be submitted, half from Bulgarian and Romanian Jews and a third from Jews from North African countries, mainly Morocco.


Those eligible for the compensation are Jews whose freedom of movement was restricted in some way by the Nazis and their allies. Freedom of movement includes entrance to parks, movie theaters, and use of public transportation among others.


At the time World War II broke out, 260,000 Jews were living in Morocco. While Jews from Tunisia, Algeria and Libya were recognized over the passing years as Holocaust survivors and received compensation, Moroccan Jews were never recognized as survivors. So far, only a small number of Moroccan Jews who made aliyah to Israel before 1953 have succeeded in achieving recognition as Holocaust survivors and receiving compensation accordingly.


"Restriction of freedom of movement was a efficient tool to control the Jewish population in Germany and areas under its authority, said Chairman of the Claims Conference Julius Berman. He added that by clarifying this with the German prosecution they have managed to receive recognition for the people that suffered under German prosecution.


To contact the Claims Conference about possible compensation visit their website.



פרסום ראשון: 04.27.11, 12:38
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