
Book distributed to 3,000 children in north (illustration)
Photo: AP/The Citizens' Voice, Kristen Mullen

Kids' book discusses independence

'Yael's Independence Day,' published by non-profit organization Sifriyat Pijama, helps young readers begin to understand abstract concept of national independence

Sifriyat Pijama, a non-profit organization working to increase literacy through the free distribution of quality children's books, has initiated the publication of a new children's book for Israel's Independence Day.


Seeing the potential in a wonderful story, written by Rifka Elizur in 1964, Sifriyat Pijama partnered with Kinneret Zmora Bitan Dvir publishing to reprint the story as an illustrated book, "Yael’s Independence Day," in time for this year's celebration. The illustrations are by Orna Smorgonski.


"As far as we know, there is no other high-quality illustrated picture book for young children on the market that focuses on Independence Day," explained Galina Vromen, director of Sifriyat Pijama and of Keren Grinspoon Israel that sponsored a pilot distribution of the book this month to 3,000 kindergarten children in the north.


"We felt it was important that this essential part of our heritage be addressed in a book that children would love,” she explained. "The response thus far has been enthusiastic and we hope to distribute the book to tens of thousands of children for Independence Day in future years.”


An engaging story of a little girl who wants to be independent, "Yael's Independence Day" helps young readers begin to understand the abstract concept of national independence.


As with all Sifriyat Pijama books, educational guidelines to parents and teachers are included that encourage the reading of bedtime stories in the home and value-based discussion in the classroom and family.



פרסום ראשון: 05.09.11, 07:58
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