Thesaurus. Netanyahu
Photo: Yariv Katz
Gearing for his trip to the United States, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to assuage nervous Likud members concerned over what has been called his "compromising" Washington speech.
The prime minister, whose recent Knesset speech made reference only to settlement blocs which will remain under Israel's control as part of the future peace deal with the Palestinians, has come under fire from the Right for what has been perceived as his "softer" approach to the subject.
Knesset Speech
Attila Somfalvi
Prime minister addresses Knesset plenum following 'Nakba Day' riots, claims Palestinians to blame for failure of peace process over their refusal to recognize State of Israel. Opposition chairwoman warns of establishment of 'Hamastan'
"It is possible it didn’t work in the Knesset, but I feel it struck a chord with the public," he said. "What I said is that everything is based on our demands: recognition of Israel, a united Jerusalem and no right of return."
Meanwhile, the WAFA news agency reported that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told American officials he is willing to resume negotiations with Israel, if the latter meets its obligations stated in the Road Map.
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