
Classic games turned into modern graphics (illustration)

Turning retro games modern

Hebrew University and Microsoft researchers develop algorithm that turns pixilated onscreen characters into smooth, curved contour lines

Researchers have developed an algorithm that turns classic 8-bit and 16-bit games into beautiful modern graphics.


Dani Lischinski of Hebrew University and Johannes Kopf of Microsoft are the researchers behind the algorithm that has undoubtedly earned them the hate of old school game purists.


The algorithm they develop takes games made for the 8-bit video game systems such as NES and Sega Master System, and the 16-bit Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis systems, and turns those pixilated onscreen characters into smooth, curved contour lines.


While the current version of the algorithm is computationally complex, the researchers believe that some optimization could lead to emulators that could be used to upscale retro games into glorious high definition games, finally allowing us to play our beloved games on our 60 inch televisions the way they were never meant to be played.


Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life



פרסום ראשון: 07.03.11, 08:00
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