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Photo: AFP

Drop in Israeli entries to US

Number of Israelis expected to visit United States in 2011 down 7% compared to Israeli entries in 2000, a year before 9/11 attacks

The number of Israeli tourists entering the United States is in decline, according to figures published recently at the International Pow Wow tourism fair in San Francisco.


According to the data, compiled by the US Department of Commerce, 2011 will see some 304,000 entries from Israel – a 1% drop compared to 2010 and, quite surprisingly, a 7% drop compared to the number of Israeli entries in 2000, a year before the 9/11 terror offensive.


The American forecast predicts a very small rise in the number of Israelis expected to enter the US in the next five years, with 216,000 Israeli tourists slated to arrive in 2016 – an increase of less than 4%, compared to an average rise of 39% in the number of tourists from all over the world in the next five years.


According to the American forecast, close to 64 million tourist entries will be recorded in 2011, including visitors from Mexico and Canada, while more than 88 million tourists are expected to arrive in 2016.



פרסום ראשון: 06.03.11, 07:31
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