
Ahmad Vahidi
Photo: Reuters

Iranian minister: Strike will meet crushing response

Brig.-Gen. Ahmad Vahidi dismisses threats against Islamic Republic, says Tehran 'fully prepared to repel any aggression against airspace'

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said Saturday that the Islamic Republic can defend itself against any strike targeting its nuclear facilities, and that its response would be "crushing."


Vahidi did, however, doubt such a strike was a viable option: "Our enemies do not dare to threaten Iran, as they have claimed to attack Iran on several occasions, but they themselves realized that their threats are far from practical realities," the Iranian minister said.



Iran's military, he told the Fars news agency, "is fully prepared to repel any potential threat and aggression against the country's airspace.


"We are powerful in sky too, and the Iranian Armed Forces' air defense capabilities are enough to defend the country,"



פרסום ראשון: 06.11.11, 15:21
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