
Erdogan. Considering alternatives
Photo: Reuters

Erdogan's 'Plan B': Downgrading Israel ties

Turkish newspaper reports prime minister considering options if Israel refuses to apologize for 2010 flotilla raid

Turkish newspaper Hurriyet on Monday reported that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is considering moving to a "Plan B" which will see relations with Israel suffer further by downgrading the level of Turkey's diplomatic staff in Israel.  


On Sunday, Erdogan said that he still expects an apology from Jerusalem. "We will wait for the Israelis' decision a certain period. If they don't apologize by this time we shall move to plan b," he said.



According to Hurriyet, "Plan B" means cooling down relations with Israel. One of the most significant steps will be downgrading the level of Turkey's embassy staff in Israel. Ankara recalled its ambassador following last year's flotilla event. It is also possible Turkey will not approve an Israeli ambassador to replace Gaby Levy.


On Sunday, the Turkish newspaper reported that the Palmer report has ruled that IDF soldiers boarded the ship with "the intent to kill.'


According to the report, Israel is considering compensating the families of the nine people killed aboard the ship, and intends to issue a statement regretting the loss of life - regardless of Turkey's demand for an official apology.



פרסום ראשון: 07.25.11, 13:39
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