
Album cover
Air Supply. Nostalgic moments
Album cover

Air Supply coming to Israel in September

Following previous visit's success, veteran Australian soft rock duo to hold series of concerts across country

Veteran Australian soft rock duo Air Supply will arrive in Israel in September for a series of concerts, following the success of its previous visit to the Holy Land three years ago.


The upcoming visit will be part of the band's world tour.


The band, consisting of Graham Russell as guitarist and singer-songwriter and Russell Hitchcock as lead vocalist, began its career in 1975 and is still recording and performing across the world to this very day.


The duo was most successful in the 1980s, with top 10 hits such as "Making Love out of Nothing at All", "The One That You Love" and "All Out of Love".


Russell and Hitchcock are still very active: They have been performing all around the world, and in May 2010 they released an album with 14 new songs. In 2008, they reached the 83rd place on Billboard magazine's 100 all-time top bands list.


Air Supply will perform at the Raanana Park Amphitheater, the Kiryat Motzkin Amphitheater, Sultan's Pool in Jerusalem and the Cultural Hall in Beersheba.



פרסום ראשון: 08.02.11, 15:20
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