MK Amir Peretz, running for Labor party chairmanship, slammed Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Mr. prime minister, you created the tycoons and until a few months ago you took pride in them. It wasn't so long ago that you praised them and said they were indispensible."
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Peretz added: "The people are saying enough of the social depravity policy, we want social justice."
MK Peretz. 'The people are saying 'enough' (Photo: Noam Moskowitz)
MK Ilan Ghilon (Meretz) said, "Something is happening here that is more important than the government, more important that parties, and indeed my own party. The Israeli public is opening its eyes and saying 'enough is enough.'"
Minister Gilad Erdan expressed support in the public protest but criticized elements trying to exploit it for political needs.
Also Monday, the Knesset plenum held a special meeting marking 71 years since the death of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, founder of the Revisionist movement. In his speech Netanyahu addressed the social protest and stressed that Jabotinsky believed in a competitive market and free economy.
"Jabotinsky believed not only that competition was financially desirable but that it was just," Netanyahu said. "There is no need and no sense in limiting the individual's competitiveness. This almost always comes at the expense of the citizen."
Opposition Chairwoman Tzipi Livni, on the other hand, stressed that "competition was only the means."
Earlier on Monday, a heated debate developed in the Likud faction meeting. Deputy Minister Ayoob Kara claimed that the extent of the protest had been inflated. "The media said there were 150,000 people. I only saw a few here and there," he said.
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