
Iron Dome in action
Photo: AFP

Iron Dome returns to Ashkelon

Following ongoing rocket fire in recent days, Defense Ministry decides to re-station rocket interception system in southern city

The Defense Ministry informed the Ashkelon Municipality on Friday that the Iron Dome rocket interception system would be re-stationed in the southern city soon, following the ongoing rocket fire in recent days.


Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin and some of the city's residents turned to Defense Minister Ehud Barak earlier this week, demanding that the system be returned to the area.



The demand was made after a Grad rocket landed near the city on Wednesday night, slightly damaging a road.


City resident Shahar Schein expressed his surprise over the fact that the system had been removed from the area. "It's a bit of a risk," he said. "Why aren't they here, at least one of them?"


He said the rocket fire "takes us back to dark days and bad feelings. It's a painful reminder of the fact that the situation is unstable and that we may return to the days of Operation Cast Lead.


An improved Qassam rocket was fired from the northern Gaza Strip to the Kiryat Gat area on Thursday evening. The rocket hit an open area within the Lakhish Regional Council. One woman suffered from shock and was rushed to the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.


In response, Israel Air Force planes bombed five targets in the Gaza Strip on Thursday night.



פרסום ראשון: 08.05.11, 13:02
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