
Expressed solidarity. Dayan
Photo: Ben Kelmer
Marking Tisha B'Av at the tent
Photo: Ben Kelmer

Yesha Council head: Time to join hands

Danny Dayan visits 'tent city' on Rothschild Blvd.; expresses solidarity with protest leaders. 'We must find solutions, so this protest does not go to waste'

Yesha Council Chairman Danny Dayan visited the "tent city" on Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard Tuesday, and expressed solidarity with the protesters.


Dayan met with the housing protest leadership and told them: "This protest has brought the true social hardships to the surface, and forced us all to address them. We must join hands and find solutions, so that this protest does not go to waste."



The Yesha Council head, who was accompanied by Binyamin Regional Council Chairman Avi Roe, Yesha Council Deputy Director Yigal Dilmoni and Karnei Shomron Local Council head Herzl Ben-Ari, called the "tent city" erected on Tel Aviv's lucrative boulevard "the ultimate Israeli Hyde Park."


"We've been saying for many years that (the State) has neglected social issues because it has been too preoccupied with political matters," Dayan said, adding that he thinks "it's good that this statement has gained consensus."


The Yesha Council chairman noted that the leadership should "focus on internal problems, rather than what (Palestinian President Mahmoud) Abbas said last night," adding that claims suggesting the settlers are the problem aren't coming from the Rothschild protesters.

From Yesha to Rothschild (Photo: Ben Kelmer)


While protest leaders have repeatedly stressed that the movement was a-political, there are those who maintain that Israel's social problems are a direct result of the current allocation of resources, demanding more funds be given to average middle-class Israelis and less to the settlement enterprise and the ultra-Orthodox.  


Karnei Shomron Local Council head Herzl Ben-Ari also commented on the social unrest, and expressed hope that "the results of the housing struggle will also manifest themselves in Judea and Samaria, where young people have been suffering from a construction moratorium for the past five years."


Meanwhile, protest activist Adam Duvchinski, who has been on hunger strike for the past three weeks, announced that he will end the strike on Tuesday evening, at the end of Tisha B'Av.



פרסום ראשון: 08.09.11, 12:40
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