
Photo: Roee Idan

IDF commander dismissed after 11 soldiers go AWOL

Inquiry into Duchifat soldiers' desertion results in company sergeant major's dismissal; disciplinary measures against company commander

An IDF sergeant-major in a company serving with Kfir Brigade's Duchifat Battalion was dismissed on Thursday, after 11 of his soldiers went AWOL (absent without leave) in protest of poor service conditions.


An inquiry into the matter found the commander's conduct faulty.



The inquiry also found fault in the conduct of the company commander and the platoon commander and disciplinary action will be taken against both.


The deposed sergeant-major's friends told Ynet that his dismissal was "out of order," adding that he was made to be the scapegoat in the case.


Military sources confirmed that an in depth review of the soldiers' complaints did reveal several problems, "which were dealt with immediately."


Nevertheless, and regardless of the decision to dismiss the commander, the sources stressed that 11's conduct was "utterly unacceptable." Their commanders were, however, able to convince them to return to their base, saying that they will retain their positions as combatants.






פרסום ראשון: 08.12.11, 07:59
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