Checkpoints set up (Archive photo)
Photo: Hadar Cohen
Jerusalem Police went on high alert Sunday following warnings that terrorists were planning to carry out attacks in the capital.
Throughout the city, officers set up checkpoints and additional forces were deployed. Patrols and security checks on suspicious vehicles also increased.
Residents of Jerusalem say the alert could be felt mainly in the north, where traffic jams abounded due to checkpoints set up near the Pisgat Ze'ev and French Hill neighborhoods, as well as on roads leading from Ma'ale Adumim and Hizme.
"There are many checkpoints and they are causing traffic jams," Moshe, a resident of the capital, told Ynet.
Israel came under attack Thursday when a terror cell numbering around 15 gunmen launched a multi-pronged assault on various vehicles, civilian and military, near Eilat. Eight people – six civilians, a soldier, and a police officer – were murdered.
The IDF responded with numerous airstrikes on Gaza, which the army says killed a number of terrorists belonging to the Popular Resistance Committees, the group seen as responsible for the attacks.
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