Happy Jewish New Year
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Approaching the 8,000,000 mark: On the eve of Rosh Hashana
(the Jewish New Year) the Israeli population consists of some 7,797,400 residents: 5,874,300 Jews, 1,600,100 Arabs and approximately 323,000 defined as others, according to new data published by Israel's
Central Bureau of Statistics on Monday.
The additional 217,000 foreign workers residing in Israel were not included in the statistics.
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In the previous Jewish year (2009/2010) the total number of residents stood at 7,645,000. In 2008/2009 there were 7,465,500 people living in Israel.
According to the CBS, in the passing year Israel's Jewish population grew by 1.7%, the Arab population by 2.5% and other sectors by 1.7%. The Muslim population rose by 2.7%, the Christian grew by 0.9% while the Druze population rose by 1.8%.
An above-average growth rate was recorded in Jerusalem (2.3%) and in central Israel (2.2%), while the Tel Aviv District showed the smallest population increase (0.6%).
Some 166,255 babies were born in the past year, an increase of 3.2% compared with 2009. The average number of children per household is 3.03, compared with 2.96 between 2008-2009.
In 2010, the Jewish woman had an average of 2.97 children, the highest number since 1977.
Putting off marriage
As for marriage, statistics show that more and more Jews put off the ceremony to a later age, with 64.4% of men and 45.5% of women between the ages of 25-29 still single. However in the Muslim community only 43.5% of men and 19% of women these ages were recorded as single.
The Israeli population is relatively young in comparison to Western nations. In 2010, some 28% of the population consisted of children aged 0-14, whereas in other Western countries the number is considerably lower - 17%.
Israel's elderly population has also increased, reaching 4.7% in 2010 compared with 3.8% in the early 1990s.
Throughout 2010, some 16,633 immigrants came to Israel – a 14% increase in comparison to 2009. The majority of immigrants originated from Russia (3,404), the United States (2,530), France (1,775), Ukraine (1,752) and Ethiopia (1,655).
The CBS also released data on the ultra-Orthodox education system for the first time. The numbers showed that the amount of yeshiva students has risen by 28% since 1997 – from 108,228 to 138,249.
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