
Pilots kept their cool
Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Office

Watch: IAF jet hits flock of pelicans

Video documenting dramatic moments when F-15 suffered bird-strike shows how crew kept cool despite unexpected incident

A video documenting the emergency landing of an F-15 jet following a bird-strike shows the crew's resourcefulness in handling the crisis and captures the drama which could have ended in disaster.


Watch as drama unfolds


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הסרטון נשלח לחברך


הטמעת הסרטון באתר שלך

 קוד להטמעה:

An inquiry into the incident found that the F-15 took off from the Tel Nof Air Base for a routine training flight. Once airborne, the crew spotted a flock of pelicans flying in their direction and changed their course so not to collide with the birds.


Unfortunately, five pelicans still hit the aircraft, with some hitting the F-15's engines directly. The jet's right engine sustained some damage but remained operational, while its left engine caught on fire and malfunctioned.


The crew was able to land safely at Tel Nof. The inquiry found that the two were able to land and exit the aircraft within 50 seconds of the engine catching fire.




פרסום ראשון: 10.10.11, 19:49
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