
Major-General Eitan Dangot
Photo courtesy of the IDF

Maj.-Gen. Dangot: We must denounce 'price tag' acts

Coordinator of gov't activities in territories tells new class of DCO officers IDF must strive to improve Palestinians' quality of life

"Israel must strive to improve Palestinians' quality of life and denounce violence such as 'price tag' acts," Major-General Eitan Dangot, who serves as coordinator of government activities in the Palestinian territories, told the Thursday's graduation class of DCO officers.


The IDF has recently stepped up its actions again "price tag" acts, which Judea and Samaria Division Commander Brigadier-General Nitzan Alon denounced as "Jewish terrorism."


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"The premise of this course is that the situation in the region could breed anything from an escalation in security to peaceful times in a short time-span," Lieutenant-Colonel Sharon Bitan, who commands the IDF's District Coordination Officers School, told Ynet.


DCO officers serve as liaisons to the Palestinian security forces, and are largely responsible for resolving day-to-day conflicts between settlers and the Palestinian population.


האלוף דנגוט בטקס. "להמשיך בשיפור רמת החיים" (צילום: דוברות מתפ"ש)

Maj.-Gen. Dangot at the graduation ceremony (Photo: IDF)


Coordination and collaboration between the Israeli and Palestinian security forces in the West Bank is considered very successful, but the two sides' working relations fare much worse in Gaza Strip, where Israel can work only vis-à-vis international organizations and not the Hamas government.


The past year has seen a rise in "price tag" cases DCO officers had to address. The officers' training, said covered various security issues, as well as the cultural and communication aspects of the job, to help DCO officers handle the Palestinian civilian population better.


The officers have also been instructed to document every vandalism case thoroughly, to enable the proper investigation by the police and Shin Bet.




פרסום ראשון: 11.03.11, 22:43
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