Yoni Netanyahu. Agonized over killings
Photo: GPO
A new Hollywood documentary film to be completed soon exposes new sides of Yoni Netanyahu, the prime minister's brother who was killed in the 1976 Entebbe Operation.
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Titled "Follow Me," the film was created by Jewish-American director Ari Daniel Pinchot who was also involved in the highly anticipated George Clooney feature The Ides of March.
The film will premier at the Los Angeles Film Festival in January 2012.
This is the first time Yoni Netanyahu's complex character will be revealed on screen, Pinchot said. The director noted he has always admired Netanyahu's bravery and even named his son after the Sayeret Matkal combatant.
The film reveals that the prime minister's brother agonized over killings he was forced to commit as a combat soldier. Netanyahu had written a letter where he decides to end his military career and start a new life, just days before he embarked on the Entebbe mission. "Stop the world, I want to get off," the letter stated.
The film also includes interviews with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to whom Yoni referred in his letters as his "soul mate," Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Yoni's ex-wife Tuti Goodman, whom he divorced three years before his death.
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