Hossein Ebrahimi, a senior member of the Tehran's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, warned Saturday that Iran's response to a possible attack by Israel will be "crushing."
"Before (being able to take) any action against Iran, the Israelis will feel our wrath in Tel Aviv," he told the State-run IRNA news agency.
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Ebrahimi noted that "since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, the US, UK and Israel have frequently threatened Iran… This is not a new development."
Iran, he added, assessed Israel's military capabilities during the Second Lebanon War, "and found it to be weak."
Anti-US protest in Tehran (Photo: AP)
"The Israelis entered the (Lebanon) war with the capabilities they had but earned nothing but humiliation," Ebrahimi said. "I do not think that Israelis along with the Americans and Britons will commit such a folly."
"If the threat is carried out they will see the political might of the (Islamic) establishment, the solidarity of the Iranian nation, and the strength of the country," he added.
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"The Iranian regime is insane," a Tehran-based blogger told Ynet on Saturday.
Hamid (alias) said that Israel should, nevertheless, take the threats uttered by the Islamic Republic's leaders seriously: "We are used to such threats... The Iranian people are not afraid – they have no reason to be. We know that if the Revolutionary Guards sense any real threat, they will launch world war three. Israel knows better than to want that."
Hamid said that in the event of an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, Tehran's army will immediately launch rockets at Israel, while its navy will attack US navy ships in the Persian Gulf.
The regime, he added, may also choose to fire rockets at Iraq, Afghanistan and even Europe. "The regime is insane – tell Mr. Netanyahu not to attack."
Hamid ventured that any attack would only boost the Iranian people's support of the ayatollah's regime – which already enjoys a 70% approval rate.
Iran, he concluded, "should pursue nuclear technology only in order to be perceived as a (nuclear) power in the eyes of the West."
News agencies contributed to this report
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