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US indicts alleged drug smuggler tied to Hezbollah

Federal court in Virginia indicts Lebanese national who allegedly led international drug smuggling ring with links to Shiite terror group

US prosecutors have indicted a Lebanese national who they say leads a massive international drug smuggling ring with links to the terror group Hezbollah and has allegedly raked in more than $850 million from drugs and money laundering.


An indictment charging Ayman Joumaa, also known as "Junior," was unsealed late Monday in federal court in Virginia.

It alleges that Joumaa led a conspiracy to sell tons of Colombian cocaine to the Zetas drug cartel in Mexico, which ultimately sold the drugs in the US.


The indictment allages Joumaa also laundered the money from the sales.


A spokesman for the US Attorney in Alexandria said Tuesday that Joumaa is at large.


Earlier this year, the Treasury Department designated Joumaa as a drug trafficker and said Hezbollah has profited from Joumaa's network.






פרסום ראשון: 12.13.11, 20:16
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