The haredi newspaper Yated Ne'eman, the mouthpiece of the United Torah Judaism party, accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of betraying his "loyal" coalition partners.
"As part of the desperate attempts to grovel before a small group of journalists and politicians who try to dictate public agenda, the prime minister and his advisors are willing to turn the haredi community into a punching bag," said an editorial published by the Bnei-Brak based newspaper on Tuesday.
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"The politicians have these shocked looks on their faces over the 'religious coercion' and the 'exclusion of women.' This is how the wave of incitement began to gain momentum and reached a level that is reserved for media which are mobilized in certain countries," the editorial read.
"We are not directing our complaints at low-level politicians from the opposition, but at key figures in the current regime: You, who have suffered from cheap slander on more than one occasion and suffered from a long delegitimization campaign in which you were even accused of incitement to murder - how are you not ashamed to cooperate with those elements that wish to overthrow you by conducting this brutal campaign against the haredi public?"
On Monday Knesset Member Moshe Gafni of United Torah Judaism warned that Netanyahu's "lack of support" for the haredi public amid the maelstrom surrounding the exclusion of women from the public sphere may lead religious parties to pull their traditional support for the Right in the next elections.
"Everyone knows it is not us who spit on seven-year-old girls, just as we do not embrace (Iranian President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad, Gafni said, referring to fanatic ultra-Orthodox. "Then, when people incite against us, Likud joins the chorus."
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