
'ERP solutions to allow for significant cuts in costs.' SAP

SAP signs $10M contract with IDF

Software corporation to provide ERP, business intelligence solutions to all of army and Defense Ministry branches for three-year period

SAP Israel announced Tuesday that it would supply the Israel Defense Forces and Ministry of Defense with ERP solutions at the cost of $10 million.


The agreement follows a recent three-year licensing contract signed by the software corporation and the Ministry of Defense for services to the ministry and the army.


SAP will provide work schemes for a variety of its applications in various branches of the two organizations, such as the IDF Technological and Logistics Directorate, the Personnel Directorate, the Ground Forces and the planning branch.


"The ERP solutions included in the deal will allow for far-reaching cuts in costs thanks to a unified approach for resource management and the formulation of a unified organizational language in the IDF and the Defense Ministry," said SAP's Account Executive Boaz Nevat.


"The deal is a breakthrough in the relationship between the IDF, Defense Ministry and SAP. We are proud to provide advanced solutions that will serve the soldiers and civilians who ensure our safety every day," Nevat added.


Click here to read this report in Hebrew



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