
Eshel (R) with Prime Minister Netanyahu
Photo: Tal Shahar

PM bureau chief accused of harassment

Initial examination into claims by Civil Service Commission finds no grounds for criminal investigation against Natan Eshel

Natan Eshel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bureau chief, has been identified as the senior aide who was accused of harassing and invading the privacy of a female co-worker.


Army Radio reported Tuesday morning that the woman told her friends that the senior official went through text messages in her mobile phone, her private email account and even followed her outside work hours.


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The Civil Service Commission examined the claims but said Lieutenant-Colonel (res.) Eshel is not suspected of any criminal acts.


Sources at the Prime Minister's Office said in response: "No complaint has been filed, this is a gossip check."

בימין התמונה: נתן אשל. במוקד בדיקת הנציבות   (צילום: עמית שאבי)

Netanyahu (L) and Eshel (R). (Photo: Amit Shabi) 


A few days ago an unidentified man approached Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein and accused Eshel of harassing the woman. The man said the woman refused to file a complaint.


Weinstein asked the Civil Service Commission to examine the claims and determine whether a criminal investigation should be launched. The initial examination found no grounds for a criminal investigation.






פרסום ראשון: 01.24.12, 17:39
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