
Hakim Awad
Photo: Hagai Aharon

Watch: Relatives praise Fogel family murderer on Palestinian TV

Mother, aunt of Palestinian who took part in Itamar massacre appear on show focusing on prisoners held in Israel

During a program aired on Palestinian television last week, the aunt of one of the Palestinians who took part in the brutal murder of five members of the Fogel family in the West Bank last march referred to him as a "hero" and "legend."




In August an Israeli court sentenced Hakim Awad to five consecutive life sentences for his part in the Itamar settlement massacre.


Itamar massacre:


Awad's cousin Amjad was also sentenced to five life sentences and an additional seven years for brutally stabbing to death Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their children: Yoav (11) Elad (4) and four-month-old baby Hadas, last March.


In response to the aunt's comments, the show's host said, "We also wish them (murderers) well."


The aunt went on to read a poem she had written in the murderers' honor, while Hakim Awad's mother sent her regards to her son and proudly mentioned that he was the perpetrator of the Itamar massacre.


The broadcast was aired as part of a weekly show on the Palestinian state-run station called "For You," which focuses on Palestinian prisoners held in Israel.


The broadcast was reported by Palestinian Media Watch – an Israel-based media watchdog organization.


You can contact Elior Levy, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs Correspondent, at: [email protected]



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