
Oz Zion outpost
Photo: EPA

3 structures razed in Oz Zion outpost

Civil Administration officers demolish temporary buildings in illegal West Bank outpost as IDF blocks roads nearby

Civil Administration officers accompanied by security forces razed three structures at the illegal West Bank outpost of Oz Zion overnight Tuesday as IDF soldiers set up road blocks nearby to prevent residents from entering the outpost.


The Civil Administration identified three structures that were built on private Palestinian land. Demolition orders were issued as part of routine law enforcement in the area and the Israeli authorities' fights against illegal construction in the West Bank. The outpost has also been declared a closed military zone.


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Oz Zion is a small outpost adjacent to Beit-El, and its residents are mostly hilltop youths.


בכל פעם בנו המתנחלים מחדש את המאחז (צילום: רויטרס)

Settlers keep rebuilding. Oz Zion outpost (Photo: Reuters)


The outpost has been razed several times before and is usually rebuilt shortly afterwards.


In January, the Civil Administration razed five structures in the outpost of Oz Zion.


Residents of Oz Zion have already begun clearing the debris, saying they will start rebuilding immediately.




פרסום ראשון: 02.14.12, 08:36
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