
Zuhir al-Qaisi
Photo: AP

Gaza terror group: Egypt warned us before al-Qaisi killing

Popular Resistance Committees spokesman says Egyptian intel officials warned Israel was planning to kill group's secretary general. Adds: No truce yet because 'blood of the fallen in Gaza has yet to dry'

Two days after an airstrike in Gaza killed Zuhir al-Qaisi, the secretary-general of the Popular Resistance Committees, the terror group's spokesman said Egypt had warned of an Israeli attempt on his life.


PRC spokesman Abu Mujahid said Sunday that collaborators who were recently apprehended in Gaza admitted to Hamas security personnel that Israel had instructed them to follow al-Qaisi everywhere.


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According to Mujahid, about a month ago top PRC terrorists met with Egyptian intelligence officials - who warned that al-Qaisi's life was in danger. "Despite the warnings, we were not told to halt our activities, but they did stress that we must operate only from Gaza and refrain from using the Sinai Peninsula or other Egyptian-ruled areas (to carry out attacks on Israel)," said the spokesman.


Site of al-Qaisi assassination


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The current round of violence has left 18 Palestinians dead, but Abu Mujahid said that at this stage there were no plans to reach a ceasefire agreement with Israel because "the blood of the fallen in Gaza has yet to dry."


PRC has decided not to reveal the name of al-Qaisi's successor for fear that he too would be targeted by Israel – as was the case with the three secretary generals who preceded him.


The spokesman said PRC leaders were conducting talks with Hamas and Islamic Jihad on a united response to the escalation. He warned that such a response would not be limited to rocket attacks on Israel's southern communities.


Meanwhile, Hamas Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum criticized Egypt on Sunday over its conduct given the recent escalation between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza. "It's not legitimate that Gaza is drowning in blood and darkness while Cairo has yet to reach decisions."


He called upon Egypt to support the Gaza Strip and "save it from aggression."


The IDF said 95 rocket landing sites have been identified since the current round of violence began on Friday. The Iron Dome system intercepted 40 rockets, according to the army.


The IDF has attacked 24 targets in Gaza since Friday.


You can contact Elior Levy, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs Correspondent, at: [email protected]



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פרסום ראשון: 03.11.12, 21:21
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