
Troops at presidential palace (archives)
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Photo: AFP

Madagascar convicts, expels Israeli over mercenary plot

Joseph Akiva convicted, ordered to leave country over mercenary plot to overthrow government of troubled Indian Ocean island

A lawyer says an Israeli businessman has been convicted in Madagascar in a mercenary plot to overthrow the government of the troubled Indian Ocean island.


Harlette Rafanomadio says Joseph Akiva, 60, a father of three from Netanya who was convicted Tuesday of acting as a mercenary and forming an illegal commando unit, was given a suspended three-year prison sentence and ordered to leave the country.


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In 2009, Akiva was accused of taking part in military action to suppress demonstrators who supported a rival to the former president. Dozens of demonstrators were killed.


Soon after, presidential rival Andry Rajoelina took power in a coup. He has since used the courts against his exiled predecessor and those who supported him.


Akiva had returned to Madagascar to restart construction projects when he was arrested in January, his lawyer said.




פרסום ראשון: 03.15.12, 12:26
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