Abesadze was approached by the show's producers to participate in the prime-time television show's seventh season. She then consulted with the Knesset's legal advisor, Eyal Yanon, to see whether her involvement would be considered proper.
However Yanon concluded Sunday that her partaking in the show would "undermine the basic rules of a Knesset member's position."
Abesadze clarified she would donate any winnings in the show for the good of the community.
But despite her best efforts, Yanon voiced his objection to the her participation in the famous TV gig.
Knesset Member Nino Abesadze
"As far as I know, such an appeal by a Knesset member to participate in a regular and ongoing television show linked to the production company and broadcasting franchise is unprecedented. It's the first time we have to rule on such an issue," Yanon remarked.
According to Yanon, not only is there a legal hindrance preventing Abesadze from partaking in such a production, but this issue also raises "ethical issues concerning the essence and function of a Knesset member and whether participation in such a show is compatible with the orders binding a Knesset member to preserve the honor of the Knesset and its members."
Ethical issues
He further stated that an MK is not permitted to have connections with commercial and businesslike officials in order to promote their own agenda, all the more so when the relationship is with businesses which are discussed and monitored by the Knesset.
Israel's next "Dancing with the Stars" season will see many public figures and celebrities strutting their moves on the dance floor, including a surprising cast member - Bat Yam Mayor Shlomo Lahiani.
MK Abesadze said in response: "I respect the opinion of the Knesset's legal advisor. However I must mention that my status as a public figure is entirely different. I believe that by participating in a positive show that appeals to Israel's broad population brings Knesset members and the Knesset closer to the public. Many public figures, with whom I consulted, share my view."