
Ya'alon to run for Likud chairmanship
Photo: Kobi Bechel

Ya'alon declares himself Netanyahu's heir

Vice premier Moshe Ya'alon says he'll run for Likud chairman after the Netanyahu era

Minister for Strategic Affairs and Vice Premier Moshe Ya'alon announced Monday that he intends to run for Likud chairman after the Benjamin Netanyahu era.


Speaking at a Likud conference in Or Akiva, Ya'alon said: "I definitely see myself leading the Likud after Netanyahu. I have the certifications. I have the ability, the experience, the values, the social sensitivity and the qualifications."


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The minister stresses that he will not run against Netanyahu as long as he heads the party. He hopes to land a better position in the next government, specifically that of defense minister.


"I chose not to run in the primaries having embraced rules that are part of the Likud way," he said.


"When a leader takes the right path, you don't undermine him. It doesn't mean that you agree with everything. "


Ya'alon is one of many contenders for the role of Likud chairman, including Silvan Shalom, Gilad Erdan, Gideon Sa'ae and Yisrael Katz. They have all declared they will not run against Netanyahu, but it appears that the battle for the party's future is already underway.




פרסום ראשון: 04.03.12, 10:34
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