The Shin Bet has released details regarding two Palestinian terrorists who were released as part of the Shalit swap deal six months ago. One of the terrorists had written guidelines for future abductions. "The captive should not be hidden in remove locations, caves, or woodland unless it's a dead body or the captive's head."
The Shin Bet has managed to trace Abu Snena, a Hamas operative who has been deported to Gaza as part of the deal six months ago.
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According to the Shin Bet's data, following his release Abu Snena tried to recruit operatives in the West Bank for the purpose of kidnapping Israelis.
He had apparently sent his family in the West Bank a memory card containing detailed instructions on how to carry out an abduction which were to be forwarded to his recruits. The Shin Bet has seized the card.
"A live captive should be visited at least once a week and given food and water, and should be hidden in a house, a farm or a work place," the instructions read. "One should try to obtain weapons and ready explosives, but in a careful manner. Weapons can be obtained from the enemy even if that calls for the use of a cold weapon first."
It was further stated, "The first stage must focus in the establishment of a cell and arming it with all the necessary equipment. The members should be trained on straightforward attacks. The attack should be announced only after the fact and in code word."
It has also been revealed that another prisoner released in the Shalit deal, Dawd Chilu, was sentenced to 44 months in prison last month after he confessed to arms trafficking attempts.
The Shin Bet said Tuesday, "We shall keep on thwarting terror plots targeting Israelis and shall do everything in our power to bring all those involved in terror to justice including the prisoners released as part of the Shalit deal who have resumed their terrorist activity."
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