Al-Aqsa mosque
Photo: AP
Jordanian Public Security Director Lieutenant-General Hussein Hazza Majali visited the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Monday, Ynet has learned.
The visit was shrouded with secrecy, and it believed to be the prelude for a visit by a top Jordanian official.
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Majali toured the Al-Aqsa mosque compound and met with head of the Islamic Waqf in Jerusalem Azzam Al-Khatib.
Jordan asked Israel to keep mum regarding Majali's visit, and Jerusalem sources refused to confirm the visit had taken place.
Diplomatic sources told Yedioth Ahronoth that the slew of recent visits by Jordanian officials to Jerusalem came in response to the recent dispute between Israel and Jordan over the renovations of the Mughrabi Bridge.
The sources also hedged that the visits may be related to a recent decree by popular Islamic preacher Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who called for a ban on Arab officials' visits to Jerusalem.
The statement prompted the Palestinian Authority to send envoys to Jordan and Egypt and ask them to increase their visits to east Jerusalem.
Top Jerusalem sources added that the visits may also be strategically planned by Jordan's King Abdullah, as a power play meant to demonstrate his influence in east Jerusalem.
Smadar Peri contributed to this report
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