Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino
Photo: Herzl Yosef
The Knesset's Internal Affairs Committee held a special session on Wednesday following the recent surge in violent crimes in Israel.
Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino briefed the committee on the department's efforts to curb such crimes, saying that despite what seems to be a crime-wave, the number of violent crimes in Israel was, in fact, down.
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Still, Danino admitted that the public's sense of safety has taken a serious blow: "If Israelis don't fell safe I consider that my problem, the police's problem and the State's problem.
"These sentiments are not grounded in reality as (the police) know it," he said, detailing statistics showing the police were successful in stopping and solving crimes. "But you can't argue with the kind of incidents that took place in Beersheba or Tel Aviv… They promote a sense of anxiety."
Danino said that it was the way the police are handling such cases that "Proves that the Israel Police is one of the most efficient forces in the Western world. We can be proud of ourselves. It's not a coincidence that we were able to apprehend the culprits so quickly."
The police, he qualified, has impressive success rates, "But we still can't solve every single case. No police force can."
The commissioner told the committee that the department will apply immediate steps to reinstate the public's sense of safety, namely significantly bolster police presence on the ground.
"You'll be able to see many more police officers and more police cruisers on the streets. This plan – 'Night Watchmen' – was supposed to be launched in the summer, but I've ordered to move it up."
He also welcomed a plan presented by the City of Tel Aviv to create a municipal policing force, based on the Civil Guard, model: "Every force like that – another officer, another inspector – it's another pair of eyes out there. It helps with the sense of security."
Danino concluded by saying that "I know we still have a lot to do and a long way to go. I can't promise that no more violent crimes will take place in Israel, but my job is to do everything I possibly can to stop them.
"The pubic can count on the Israel Police – we will do everything within our power to curb violence and restore the sense of safety. This is a strategic matter, every bit as important as the Iranian threat. We are fighting for Israeli society."
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