The terrorist, a Hebron resident, hid among Israeli bicycle riders who were at the junction, walked up to the soldier and tried to stab him. After a struggle which ended with the Palestinian in serious condition, the terrorist received initial medical care at the scene and was then evacuated to the Hadassah Medical Center for additional care.
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Solomon told Ynet that while waiting at the junction, he noticed that the Palestinian was standing at a place where pedestrians are not allowed to enter. "The suspect was wearing a black hooded shirt, his hands were in his pockets and he looked very pale," Solomon said.
"He then took his identity card out from his pocket, but left his hand in his other pocket. I immediately realized he was hiding a knife," Solomon said, adding that he quickly understood he was a terrorist.
The scene of the attack in Gush Etzion (Photo: Ilan Amsal)
"I jumped on him within seconds. It was instinctive. All I tried to do was take the knife from his hand," Solomon added. "After a short struggle, I managed to grab the knife from him and lay him on the ground."
Just after the struggle, Solomon noticed a pool of blood surrounding the terrorist. "It was an eleven inch pocket knife that was already open in his pocket," said the Lieutenant Colonel.
Solomon estimated that the suspect was injured in his stomach during the struggle. "The terrorist received initial medical care at the scene and was then evacuated for additional care," he said.
The soldiers serving in the area did not receive early warning of possible attempts by terrorists to carry out attacks in the junction. Lieutenant Colonel Solomon estimated that the terrorist came to the area in order to stab soldiers and not citizens.
The last stabbing attack occurred in April when a 30-year-old taxi driver sustained serious injuries after he was stabbed by a Palestinian passenger.
A few days before that two Arabs, aged 18 and 20, were arrested in connection with the stabbing of a haredi man near the Tomb of Shimon HaTzadik. The man was injured in the attack.
At the beginning of April a 65 year old haredi man was attacked by an Arab with an axe near the Old City's Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. The Arab fled the scene but was captured a few hours later; the man received medical care at the Hadassah Medical Center.
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