A lieutenant serving in an elite IDF Intelligence Corps unit admitted to his commander that he had tasted a brownie that contained marijuana during a trip to Amsterdam about a year ago, the Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported Sunday.
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After returning to his hotel, the 24-year-old officer texted his commanding officer, a lieutenant-colonel, to inform him that he had tried marijuana at a local coffee shop. The commander had no choice but to report the incident. Upon the officer's return to Israel, Military Police launched a criminal investigation against him for drug use.
Despite the fact that the officer received two citations of excellence from President Shimon Peres, the Military Prosecution filed a harsh indictment against him for the alleged use of a dangerous narcotic and conduct unbecoming an officer.
The officer's attorney tried to convince the prosecution to withdraw the indictment, claiming a conviction would negatively affect his client's civilian career. The prosecution was not convinced.
During the trial, which was held over the course of a year at the Military Court in Jaffa, the defense attorney, Erez Rofe, said a urine test performed after the officer returned to Israel showed he did not have any drugs in his system.
The attorney further argued there was no evidence proving that the brownie contained any sort of drug.
In light of these arguments, the prosecution agreed to a plea bargain, and the drug charge was omitted from the indictment. The defendant plead guilty to conduct unbecoming an officer, an offense that does not result in a criminal record.
The court approved the plea bargain over the weekend and handed the officer a one-month suspended sentence for a period of two years. He was also demoted to the rank of corporal.
Reuven Weiss contributed to this report
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