
Photo: Omri Efraim

14 soldiers hurt in Jerusalem fire

Police suspect east Jerusalem teens threw burning firecrackers at IDF base in Mount Scopus; most soldiers sustain light injuries

Fourteen IDF soldiers suffered smoke inhalation on Sunday after a brush fire broke out near an army base in Jerusalem's Mount Scopus. Of the 14, one soldier sustained moderate wounds and the rest were lightly injured. Police suspect that east Jerusalem teens threw burning firecrackers at the base.


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Firefighters called to the scene contained the flames. The soldiers were taken to the Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in Jerusalem.


The blaze spread at the height of Sunday's heat wave. Sources at Jerusalem's Fire Services claim they have been witnessing a wave of nationalistically-motivated arsons recently.


An examination carried out by Jerusalem's Fire Services spokesman indicates that 284 incidents have been logged as "brush fires or open area fires" since the beginning of the month.


Yoav Zitun contributed to the report



פרסום ראשון: 06.17.12, 16:43
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