B'nai B'rith International delivered an intervention at the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday regarding the session’s deliberations on the anti-Israel agenda item 7, which addressed the "Human Rights Situation in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories."
In his statement, Klaus Netter, B’nai B’rith International’s main Geneva representative, referred to the latest report by UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk, which, "provides more evidence to justify the concerns we have repeatedly voiced about the inherent bias of his mandate, and the particular problem posed by having Mr. Falk carry out the reporting duty.
"He claims fairness in this report that he has made every effort to represent Israel's positions on the various issues fairly, but no truly objective reader would confirm that the text of the report, and in particular its recommendations, meets any standard of fairness."
Netter continued that: "The report compares a jailed operative of the Islamic Jihad to Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi championed non-violence and peaceful coexistence; Islamic Jihad prefers suicide bombings and rocket attacks against Israeli civilians to achieve its objective of wiping Israel off the map.
"The report also again treats the terrorist organization Hamas with kid gloves. The Special Rapporteur gives Hamas a pass on the rocket fire continually raining down on Israeli civilians in an ever-expanding area. Since the start of this very session, Hamas launched dozens of rockets toward Israeli communities.
"Moreover, the Special Rapporteur volunteers utterly unsubstantiated claims about the alleged greater international media interest in Israelis' suffering, as compared to the Palestinians.
"Last but not least, we must again ask: For how long will the daily terrorism that Israeli civilians face continue to be ignored or minimized by this council, and by its Special Rapporteur?”