Past gay pride parade in Jerusalem
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Residents of Jerusalem
woke up to a colorful, albeit bizarre, sight Thursday morning, as someone painted the block letters making up the sign at the city's main entrance the colors of the rainbow flag.
City officials said that the "initiative" was probably that of members of the local gay community, as Jerusalem will see the annual gay pride parade march through its main streets.
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City Hall is working to restore the sign to its original white color. Jerusalem Police are investigating.
The rainbow sign
Elinor Sidi, CEO of the Open House in Jerusalem, which serves as the local gay pride center, said that the center had no knowledge of the planned paintjob, but added that it "doesn’t come as a surprise."
"The Open House opposes any expression of violence, including the vandalism of public property," she stressed.
Thursday's gay pride parade in Jerusalem will mark its 10th anniversary. The parade has been a strong point of contention since it first took to the capital's streets.
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