Dozens of people protested in front of Defense Minister Ehud Barak's house in Tel Aviv against launching a military strike in Iran. The protesters have staged demonstrations almost every day during the past two weeks, urging Israeli decision makers not to go to war with the Islamic Republic.
The protesters held placards reading: "No to war in Iran" and "Bibi has a nuclear bomb shelter, and you?" They also floated a "peace flotilla" of rubber ducks in a pool located at the entrance to the defense minister's apartment building.
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Tel Aviv Councilwoman Tamar Zandberg said that the protesters have been demonstrating in front of Barak's house for the second week, and "will keep protesting until the threat of war is removed. The resistance to a strike in Iran has grown wider with President Peres and former President Yitzhak Navon (speaking out against it); more protesters have joined us as well," she said.
Rubber ducks' 'peace flotilla' (Photo: Alon Hutter)
Dalia, an elderly citizen who joined the protest, added: "We don’t want wars. We want to enjoy our grandchildren and great grandchildren. I personally don't have a (gas) mask. I have a fortified room at the nursing home but I don't trust it," she said.
Linda Sasson, a former spokesperson for the Union of Local Authorities in Israel noted that "there is a feeling that the civilian aspects are not prepared. The shelters, the cellular alert system and so on.
"This war doesn't feel right, especially not without the US' support. Each and every one of the civilians will carry the consequences," Sasson added.
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