
MK Talab El-Sana
Photo: Gil Yohanan

MK El-Sana: Zionists to blame for anti-Islam film

Arab MKs weigh in on controversial film that sparked anti-US rage in Muslim world; say it was 'blow to the very soul of a billion Muslims worldwide'

Arab Knesset member and Muslim clerics in Israel weighed in on the on "Muslim Innocence," the controversial film that sparked anti-US riots in Egypt, Yemen and Libya, expressing equal rage.


Dozens of members of the Northern Islamic Movement rallied outside the US Embassy in Tel Aviv Thursday afternoon, in protest of the film. 


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"The UN has to step in and do something, before this turns into the war of Gog and Magog," MK Talab El-Sana (United Arab List-Ta'al) warned Thursday.


The film, he said, "Is sacrilege and an abomination. It dealt a massive blow to the very soul of over a billion Muslims worldwide. This was nothing but a despicable flick intended to ignite hatred and even more Islamophobia in the West."

מפגינים שורפים דגלים בעיראק, היום (צילום: AFP)

Protesters burn flags in Iraq (Photo: AFP)


The film's creator, El-Sana added, "Is playing with fire. He isn't aware of the significance of Prophet Mohammad in the Muslim identity."


The Arab MK further blasted "Zionist elements" for encouraging Islamophobia and antagonism towards Islam, to serve political interests.


"The West is responsible for demonizing Muslims and Islam," he stated.


MK Ahmad Tibi (United Arab List-Ta'al) stressed that "The reaction over the film cannot be brutal or violent. Nothing justifies murder. The rules of Islam are very clear and they forbid the kind of violent outburst like we saw in Benghazi.


"Violent behavior only serves the interests of the creators of this heinous film. A moderate response or ignoring it completely is the only worthy response," he said.


However, Tibi blamed Israel for "Fostering intolerance for religious values and allowing the burning of mosques."


Sheikh Kamal Khatib, deputy of the Northern Islamic Movement added: "We cannot demand that the Israeli government punish the Israeli filmmakers, because the government itself is responsible for the desecration of mosques and for passing racists laws.


"It is very regrettable that millions of dollars were given in the United States to the production of a film that offends Prophet Mohammad, especially when (the US) says it wants peace with the Muslim nation. This movie proves it's a lie."


The senior cleric added that "It is an absolute disgrace that Jews, Israelis and Christians participated in this film… We had defeated and will be victorious over anyone who attempts to offend the Prophet."


High Arab Monitoring Committee Chairman Mohammad Zeidan leveled harsh criticism at the film as well, saying "Its only purpose is to spread corruption and incite more tension in the United States, Israel and other countries. It aimed to spark religious riots and it did."


"The United States has to prevent the screening of films that offend Muslins and Christians. If it greenlights such things it is done intentionally and in collaboration with the Israeli Mossad.


"It's important that we respond to such incidents but it has to be a civilized reaction and a non-violent one."



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