
Rabbi Aviner. 'It's sometimes worse than having a dead father'
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

Rabbi: Donating sperm to single woman immoral

Despite halachic solution offered to unmarried women, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner recommends that they freeze their eggs rather than accept sperm donation. 'Why create a single-parent family? The child will be miserable,' he argues

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, head of the Ateret Yerushalayim Yeshiva, believes that donating sperm to a single woman is immoral, despite "resolvable" halachic difficulties.


"What should an older woman who has yet to marry, and whose biological clock is ticking, do? Should she accept a sperm donation?" The rabbi asks in his weekly lesson about couple relations.


"There is an insolvable problem: It's immoral toward the child," Aviner stresses. "A child needs a father and a mother. That's how God Almighty created his world.


"We know that there are widows and there is also divorce – but that is a real tragedy. One must not organize such a situation in advance. There are also single mothers who had a child out of wedlock, but that is a given situation as well. But a child needs a loving father and mother."


'Child wakes up and cries for his father'

And what about the single woman's distress? "We understand that the girl wants to get married and can't wait to give love to a cute little creature – but why create a single-parent family in advance? The child will be miserable.


"It's sometimes even worse than a dead father, because in that case at least the child has a father figure. The same applies for divorce – he (the father) is here, he is there. And in this case the child has nothing."


Rabbi Aviner adds that children born through sperm donation "often wake up at night and cry, 'Father, Father.'"


The rabbi recommends that older unmarried women undergo an egg freezing procedure. "It does cost NIS 25,000 (about $6,500), and that's a lot of money, but a child is also worth a million shekels, and let's hope that she gets married."



פרסום ראשון: 10.23.12, 13:05
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