Tzipi Livni
Photo: Ido Erez
While still contemplating whether to return to public life, former Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni met with President Shimon Peres on Tuesday at his Jerusalem residence.
The two discussed personal matters over lunch. It is estimated they also discussed politics and issues on the agenda ahead of the upcoming elections.
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Livni has maintained friendly ties with Peres ever since he was Kadima's no. 2 man. As president, Peres will order the candidate with the best chances of forming a coalition to do so, as soon as the results of the Knesset elections are in.
In the next few days, Livni is expected to announce whether she will be returning to politics, and if so, which party she intends to join.
The former Kadima chair, however, has expressed her reluctance to second either Yair Ladip's party Yesh Atid or Shelly Yachimovich with the Labor party.
Last week, Livni met with former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in order to coordinate stances in regards to their political future. On Monday, Olmert dismissed reported deadlines for his return to politics as "incorrect" and joked about running in the elections, but did not offer clues as to his plans.
Yuval Karni is a Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth correspondent
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