
Fawzi Barhoum
Photo: AP

Hamas: Israel getting back at us over Qatar ruler's visit

Hamas' military wing, PRC claim joint responsibility for rocket barrage, blame Israel for escalation

Hamas and the Popular Resistance Committees claimed joint responsibility for the rocket attack against the Gaza vicinity communities on Wednesday.


Hamas claimed that the escalation was Israel's way of getting back at Gaza's residents who managed to "break the siege" with the Qatari emir's Gaza visit on Tuesday.


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More than 50 rockets were fired from Gaza at the western Negev since Tuesday night. Three foreign workers were injured, two of them seriously.


Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said that the visit's success and "Gaza's triumph in the diplomatic campaign against Israel" had caused it embarrassment. He blamed Israel for the escalation saying it was responsible for the "unjustified killing of activists."


Barhoum added that Israel would bear the consequences for its actions. "The resistance's unity, strength and strategy will guarantee the containment of aggression," he said. "The resistance has sent several messages (i.e. rockets) but Israel failed to comprehend them."


Hamas and the PRC also claimed joint responsibility for the detonation of an explosive charge near the border fence which left Captain Ziv Shilon severely injured on Tuesday.


The Popular Front's military wings and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the firing of some of the rockets that hit Israel on Wednesday.


In the wake of the recent escalation, Hamas' education ministry has decided to suspend school in the eastern Strip.


Since Tuesday night, Israel's Air Force carried out four strikes in Gaza. Three terrorists were killed – two from Hamas' military wing and one from the PRC.


You can contact Elior Levy, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs Correspondent, at: [email protected]




פרסום ראשון: 10.24.12, 12:10
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