
Desecrated Jewish cemetery (archives)
Photo: AFP

Teens suspected of damaging graves

Authorities in Hartford, Connecticut believe three youths arrested in connection with vandalism at Jewish cemetery did not have anti-Semitic intentions

Three teenagers have been arrested in connection with vandalism at a Hartford Jewish cemetery last month.


Police Lt. Brian Foley told the Hartford Courant Monday that the youths, who are between 14 and 15 years old, were charged with the juvenile offenses of interfering with a cemetery or burial ground and criminal mischief.


Several dozen headstones were toppled at the Congregation Ados Israel Cemetery at Tower Avenue and Waverly Street last month. The damage was reported October 19, but police say it likely happened over a period of time.


Foley said the boys live near the cemetery and crossed through it every day on their way to a park.


He said the vandalism was first investigated as a hate crime, but authorities now believe the boys didn't have anti-Semitic intentions.



פרסום ראשון: 11.15.12, 11:21
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