
Troops in Hebron
Photo: George Ginsburg

Palestinians, security forces clash in West Bank

Tensions reach boiling point: Thousands of Palestinians march towards Hebron checkpoint, hurl stones. Other protests in West Bank see firebombs hurled at security forces

A week of riots reaches boiling point: Thousands of Palestinians marched from Hebron's City Hall to a checkpoint adjacent to the city's Jewish community after Friday prayers as part of a rally marking Hamas' 25th anniversary.


Similar rallies, authorized by the Palestinian Authority and involving thousands of protesters, were also held in Ramallah and Tulkarem.  


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Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians pelted security forces with stones and hurled Molotov cocktails as part of weekly protests in Bilin, Naalin, Kafr Qaddum and Qalandiya, where three military vehicles were damaged. No injuries were reported.


Riot in Hebron (Photo: EPA)


Large IDF and Border Guard forces were deployed in Hebron in addition to some 200 Palestinian officers. Shortly after concluding Friday prayers at the city's mosques, Palestinians began hurling stones at IDF soldiers in Hebron's Palestinian section. No injuries were reported.


Palestinians in Hebron (Photo: George Ginsburg)


Large IDF and Border Guard forces were deployed in Hebron in addition to some 200 Palestinian officers. Shortly after concluding Friday prayers at the city's mosques, Palestinians began hurling stones at IDF soldiers in Hebron's Palestinian section. No injuries were reported.


According to the reports, Palestinians are holding protests in some 10 different points across the West Bank.


Earlier on Friday, stones were hurled at Israeli vehicles at the Maale Shomron settlement. There were no reports of injuries. 


On Wednesday, a Border Guard officer shot and killed a Palestinian youth after he threatened troops stationed near the Cave of the Patriarchs in the West Bank city of Hebron, with what later turned out to be a toy gun.


בחברון בינתיים שקט (צילום: גורג' גינסברג)

IDF troops in the city


Following the incident, the officer's photo was posted on Palestinian websites and social networks with a caption reading "criminal" and accompanied by death threats.


The past week has seen several incidents in Hebron. An IDF force wounded a 17-year-old Palestinian near a checkpoint after he hurled a firebomb at soldiers on Thursday.


Reports also said that dozens of Palestinians were wounded by smoke inhalation during clashes with security forces.


Itamar Fleishman and Elior Levy contributed to this report




פרסום ראשון: 12.14.12, 14:21
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