
Mohammed Morsi
Photo: AFP

Morsi in 2010: Zionists are descendants of apes

Egyptian media outlets circulate video showing President Morsi harshly coming out against Israel and calling for armed resistance against 'criminal Zionist entity'

Egyptian media recently aired a video showing President Mohammed Morsi making harsh statements against Israel in 2010 when he served as the Muslim Brotherhood's official spokesman. In the first clip, Morsi described "Zionists" as "blood suckers" "warmongers" and "descendants of apes and pigs."


"These futile (Israeli-Palestinian) negotiations are a waste of time and opportunities," he said. "The Zionists buy time and gain more opportunities as the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims lose time and opportunities and get nothing out of it. "


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He further claimed that "The Palestinian Authority was created by the Zionist and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people and its interests.


Morsi in 2010

Morsi in 2010


שליחה לחבר

 הקלידו את הקוד המוצג
תמונה חדשה

הסרטון נשלח לחברך


הטמעת הסרטון באתר שלך

 קוד להטמעה:

"No reasonable person can expect progress on this track. Either (you accept) the Zionists and everything they want, or else there is war. This is what the occupiers of the land of Palestine know – these blood suckers who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, these descendants of apes and pigs.


"They must not be given any opportunity and must not stand on any Islamic or Arab land. They must be driven out of our countries."


He also claimed that "We should employ all forms of resistance against them. There should be military resistance within the land of Palestine against these criminal Zionists who attack Palestine and the Palestinians.


"There should also be political and economic resistance through a boycott as well as by supporting the resistance fighters. This would be the practice of the Muslims and the Arabs outside Palestine. They should support the resistance fighters and besiege the Zionists wherever they are."


Morsi stated that "Resistance is the only way to liberate the land of Palestine.


In a separate interview with the Hamas-affiliated al-Quds TV, Morsi said that "The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine. There is no place for them on the land of Palestine. What they took before 1947-8 constitutes plundering. By no means do we recognize their Green Line. The land of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians not the Zionists."


Morsi added, "We must confront this Zionist entity. All ties of all kinds must be severed with this plundering criminal entity, which is supported by America and its weapons as well as by its own nuclear weapons, the existence of which is well known.


"The Arab peoples must boycott this entity and avoid normalizing relations with it. All products from countries supporting this entity – from the US and others – must be boycotted.


"We want a country for the Palestinians on the entire land of Palestine on the basis of (Palestinian) citizenship. All the talk about a two-state solution and about peace is nothing but an illusion which the Arabs have been chasing for a long time now.


"They (the Zionists) are hostile by nature. The Zionists understand nothing but the language of force.


The video was also distributed by an Israeli research institute, the Middle East Media Research Institute. However, several Egyptian media outlets used another version of the clip to discredit Morsi for altering his radical views since taking power.


This version shows Egyptian Ambassador to Israel Atef Salem saying "I come with a message of peace" after he presented his letter of credence to President Shimon Peres. "I am here to emphasize that we shall work to build trust and transparency and we are committed to all the agreements we signed with Israel," he said.  




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