In a long personal letter to Deri posted on his Facebook page, Lieberman said, "As one seasoned politician to the other, I couldn't help but get the impression that your urging of the prime minister to negotiate coalition agreements before the election is a step towards joining a leftist bloc together with Shelly Yachimovich and other leftist parties."
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He further added, "Your public call is an alibi ahead of a move against the prime minister and the national camp. But you know full well that no candidate can negotiate a coalition agreement before getting elected."
The Yisrael Beiteinu chairman also slammed Shas for its racist election ad. The ad, which was later removed, shows wedding ceremony in which the groom discovers that his bride, portrayed with a heavy Russian accent, is not Jewish, while a fax machine quickly prints out a conversion confirmation.
"I can't help being angry over your ad that offended many olim and other Israelis."
Lieberman concluded his letter by inviting Deri to discuss the matter in a meeting.
Also Monday, indicated that he would quit politics if convicted in his breach of trust and fraud case.
He told Army Radio he agrees with a political ally's recent assertion that if convicted, he should not stay in politics.
"There have to be very clear norms," he said, but quickly added: "I am sure I will be cleared in the end."
Yuval Karni is a Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth correspondent
AP contributed to this report
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