
Foreigners sell net $110M in shares on Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Israel FDI down to $346M in November

Most of foreign direct investment was in financial and high-tech sectors, central bank says

Israel received $346 million worth of foreign direct investment (FDI) through local banks in November, down from $405 million in October, the Bank of Israel reported.


Most of the foreign direct investment in November was in the financial and high-tech sectors, the central bank said.


Foreigners sold a net $110 million in shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in November, following net sales of $40 million in October.


For the first 11 months of 2012, foreigners invested $500 million in Tel Aviv-listed shares and another $600 million in Israeli shares traded abroad.


Foreigners invested a net $290 million in government bonds and about $30 million in short-term bills called makams, following sales of $230 million in government bonds and $3.4 billion in makams since the beginning of the year.


They sold $20 million in government bonds traded abroad in November.


Preliminary figures for December indicate sales of some $250 million in makams, very moderate activity in government bonds and net sales of $130 million in Tel Aviv-traded shares.



פרסום ראשון: 01.17.13, 08:00
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